1. Homework - view the mobile mini-brief + answer the learning questions - Social Media Communications Quiz

1. Homework - View the WeAreSocial slideshare
2. Class Discussion
Samples Social Media Campaigns
- Volkswagon SmileDrive
- McDonalds Sweden
3. In Class Exercise
- Research - an image/inforgraphic that expresses YOUR understanding of social media landscape.
- Post in your blog + briefly explain why you chose that image
- Research and choose a social media campaign
- Analyze
- Who is the target audience
- How was the target audience engaged?
- How did the campaign create ROR...create conversations?
- What social media elements were used?
- Was it successful?
- What would you do differently...or add to the campaign
- Sample campaign analysis - Virket Mexico
4. Presentations + Feedback
- Create a presentation on Emaze
5. Tweet your blog post link - use #upaep-iemi
6. Test - Final Assessment
It´s wonderful to know how free tools at internet can be so useful for our daily job. In my case, I always use power point for my presentations and paint for modify images and now I can be able to do it with canva or emaze. Also it´s gfreat to learn how social media campaigns are so amazing. This campaigns are low cost and are great to be in touch with the costumers. Thank you Liz and Gabriel.
ReplyDeleteI’m really excited with everything we learned on this class. Every day was something new and exciting. The passion that Liz has for this subjects is transferred to us in class. I think that she opened doors that showed us different concepts and tools. It’s up to us to keep practicing, learning and using them. I will use most of them in my jewelry business. I can’t wait to get home and start using them!
ReplyDeleteIt´s interesting. how in a short time we learned and developed new skils for to do presentations, in my case, now I see the internet tolos in a diferent way.
ReplyDeleteThank you Liz.